Monday, 25 April 2011

The most beautiful woman I ever saw

Its been over a year now since I got on a plane to Delhi and lately I've been getting rather sentimental about India and Nepal.  This Picture is my favourite photo from Nepal, it's a little out of focus but I love it. To me this woman is so elegant. I never spoke to her and know nothing about her life.  Compared to western standards she may be very poor. But to me, she is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Great Ocean Road: with my two favourite allies...

If there's one thing I like, its a good road trip.

And if there's one thing I love, its an awesome one.  For my 25th Birthday, I was blessed with two lovely ladies, a car, Jelly snakes, alcohol and the beautiful Great Ocean Road.

At the start of our trip we did had a few apprehensions. For the last few days we'd heard report of the great ocean road closing in parts due to flooding and when we woke up on Saturday morning in Melbourne, it was, with lack of another phrase, pissing it down.  However, all weather reports said nay to flooding and so, me and the 'Tall one'  were picked up by the 'Ozzy' out side our Hostel. Here our two day adventure begun.

Highlights included:

  • The car screeching to a halt when we saw our first Koala, taking a thousand photos and then driving down the road 100 feet and seeing at least a dozen more.
  • Trampoline yard at Lorne
  • An old light-house that may or may not of been in Round the twist. I'm counting it
  • The twelve apostles and refusing to my jumper on so it would look warm in the photos
  • The tall-one getting to drive bare foot
  • Fish and chips on the beach. Yeah we know how its done.
  • The smallest hostel I have ever stayed in at Apostle Bay
  • Beautiful beaches.
It was one of those trips that made me thankful I'm here in Australia. Thanks for the memories ladies...

This is by far, not the best picture of a Koala I took. However, this one's face looks pretty evil. I like the idea of them being  a little nasty under the cute fur.  Maybe if they weren't doped up on eucalyptus all the time they'd be a little different....

Drinking on the veranda, gate-crashed by  a cat, at Apostle's Bay

I was shocked to find out there are not in fact 12 apostles. But even with the false advertising, it still scrubs up well.

Because headscarves are cool.


The best presents, ever! and pensive thinking at Bells Beach.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Melbourne: Thanks for the art

The Graffiti art found in Melbourne lane ways really brings out the personality of this city.  Here I've collected my favourite pieces found in the CBD.

Melbourne fair city

I couldn't even get down to ten this time, instead I decided on thirteen pictures taken on the streets of Melbourne.  For over five months this city was my home and it served me well.  Here I switched my tea bags for freshly ground coffee and indulged in my sushi addiction.  Down the back streets you'd find the lane ways; and its here that you'll find most of Melbourne's quirky character.  To some, this place is too laid back and 'boring' for their tastes, but as I cannot comment yet on how it measures up to Sydney, I can certainly say the pace of life here did me good.

Night time on the south bank

crossing the Yarra river at night.

Interesting lamps found at Victoria Market
Welcome to Chinatown
Florist on Swanton street

The State Library.  Free Internet = lots of trips for me

Stone head in park.

The Yarra river during the day.

Never felt the need to ride them, and didn't understand why anyone would pay to get carted around. Looked pretty though.

Carlton Gardens.

The break dancer

Best advert. Ever.

Skateboarder outside the library.

Ten from the west

Picking your favourite pictures is never easy, especially when they're your own work.  At first it isn't so bad, taking out the blurry, the boring,  and the just plain dreadful.  However, later on you're left with photos that are very similar and it can be a real task rejecting decent photos. Sometimes its difficult to see the wood from the trees but I hope this top ten does my two weeks in Western Australia justice.

The photos were taken six months ago at the start of my travel in Oz, and  as I am currently travelling, none of these photos have been enhanced or cropped using digital software.

Pelican in flight at Monkey Mia, WA.

The Pier.
Sunrise at Monkey Mia.
The long road a head, Rottnest Island, WA.
There were better photos I could have chosen instead. However, this picture represents the first time I saw whales.  Amazing mammals.
A national park I will one day remember the name of.
Not a building in sight.
The elements make the rules here.
Take one clever land owner, a dispute in Australian taxes, a loop hole in the law, a declaration of war and what do you get? The Hutt River Province.
bad ass

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