Tomorrow will be a very special day. Its my 88th day working on the cattle station and holds special significance to many a backpacker in Australia. Because after this day is worked, I'll be eligible for my 2nd year working holiday visa. I've got to say, I'm pretty happy this day has come and that all the hard work was worth it. Don't get me wrong, there have been other benefits to living away from the rest of civilisation; experiencing another way of life, saving money, eating well and resting up. If it was all about the visa, I wouldn't be staying the extra month.
And yet its a weight off my mind to know I will still have time on my side if I decide to stay in Australia another year, which, lets face it, is pretty likely. I also feel I'm enjoying the space in the outback to the full again because its not long until that's all gone again. I love picking a red dirt track to walk down and know I won't meet another human along the way. Over the last few walks I've took a few snaps of Walla-rues but there just not coming out clear enough. Grrrrr.
At the weekend I received a parcel from home, a collaboration between my Mum and middle sister. Among the assortment of chocolate (Dairy Milk really does taste different here), socks and other items was a book called 'One Day' by David Nicholls. I read the book over two days sitting out on the veranda. From it came my favourite line,
"..If I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this .
It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."
I also got the new album from Kaleidophone, which has been great to listen to and I'm glad to see the guys are doing so well and all their hard work has created a beautiful album. 'Wrecking ball" is my favourite of the moment.