Once we hit half way, the craving for our tropical island really began to
take hold. One of the mates drew up a do-it-yourself-chart, in which everyday we
could plot our progress. Each day I would check if it had been updated. Later
on I began checking the coordinated on the chart back aft to see where we were.
For some reason I found reassurance looking at a piece of paper and noting that
we were getting closer.
Four days after the halfway party,
the wind came to an almost stand still .
Not good for a sailing vessel.
As the ship wasn't moving quickly, the waves could wreck havoc knocking the
ship violently from side to side.
On the plus side, the weather started to heat up as soon as we headed
north. The more north we went, the less layers were needed on deck. The full
wet weather gear of the Southern waters was replaced with the t-shirt and
shorts of the tropics.
The fishing lines began to actually
catch fish, with this huge Mahi
Mahi feeding all 18 of us for dinner. A
modest tuna didn't get that far, but was a good appetiser.
And then, on a afternoon, so distant I first mistook it for cloud, the
mountains of Rarotonga were sighted. By breakfast we circled the island,
awaiting customs to answer our radio calls.
Rarotonga was different to how I imagine. With the rain clouds hitting its
forest covered peaks, it looked like the setting of King Kong. From a far the sandy beaches weren't visible
and I wasn't sure we'd come to the right island, it was something spectaluar to photograph! It looked beautiful and after 18 days at
sea, a tropical island was exactly what I had in mind.